Pursuant to City of Denton Ordinance 20-2085, the Chief of Police Advisory Board is not subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act. Therefore, this meeting is not open to the public, there will be no public testimony, the meeting will not be televised or recorded, and there will be no record of the minutes created. Despite not being subject to the Open Meetings Act, Ordinance 20-2085 provides that the City shall post this Agenda at least 72 hours prior to date and time of the Board’s meeting. Members of the public that would like to submit inquiries or comments for the Board’s consideration may send those communications to the attention of the Chief of Police, Denton Police Department, 601 E. Hickory Street, Denton, Texas 76205, or the Police Department’s Public Information Office e-mail at dentonpolice@cityofdenton.com. The Chief of Police will review and determine which communications, if any, will be presented to the Board.