B. ID 14-0173 Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.086
Receive a briefing and information from Denton Municipal Electric ("DME") pertaining to certain competitive public power and financial issues regarding, and discuss pertaining to: (1) the City's 21.3% ownership interest in Texas Municipal Power Agency ("TMPA"), the indebtedness due thereon, related planning and strategic issues regarding such ownership interest; (2) projections of future improvements to the generation requirements and probable resources of the DME System; (3) opportunities and strategies relating to selecting and acquiring ownership of future generation resources for the City in the foreseeable future; (4) discuss and deliberate opportunities and strategies for the City to acquire energy supplies to provide for its peak load by entering into certain agreements regarding the purchase of energy and ancillary services by its DME - Energy Risk Management Organization, in order to meet the future energy needs of the City; and discuss, deliberate, and provide Staff with direction regarding such matters.
B. ID 14-0173 Certain Public Power Utilities: Competitive Matters - Under Texas Government Code, Section 551.086
Receive a briefing and information from Denton Municipal Electric ("DME") pertaining to certain competitive public power and financial issues regarding, and discuss pertaining to: (1) the City's 21.3% ownership interest in Texas Municipal Power Agency ("TMPA"), the indebtedness due thereon, related planning and strategic issues regarding such ownership interest; (2) projections of future improvements to the generation requirements and probable resources of the DME System; (3) opportunities and strategies relating to selecting and acquiring ownership of future generation resources for the City in the foreseeable future; (4) discuss and deliberate opportunities and strategies for the City to acquire energy supplies to provide for its peak load by entering into certain agreements regarding the purchase of energy and ancillary services by its DME - Energy Risk Management Organization, in order to meet the future energy needs of the City; and discuss, deliberate, and provide Staff with direction regarding such matters.