A. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of a variance from minimum lot area regulations for a property zoned Neighborhood Residential 3 (NR-3), as required by Section of the Denton Development Code (DDC). The approximately 0.169 acre site, commonly known as 1026 West Hickory Street, is generally located at the northeast corner of West Hickory Street and Welch Street. The property is part of the Oak-Hickory Historic District. (ZBA13-0006, Hickory-Welch, Mike Bell)
A. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of a variance from minimum lot area regulations for a property zoned Neighborhood Residential 3 (NR-3), as required by Section of the Denton Development Code (DDC). The approximately 0.169 acre site, commonly known as 1026 West Hickory Street, is generally located at the northeast corner of West Hickory Street and Welch Street. The property is part of the Oak-Hickory Historic District. (ZBA13-0006, Hickory-Welch, Mike Bell)